Francois D
★★I stayed one night in the recently built aisle of Baying hotel, a 3 star property located on the main street of Bayinbulak. My standard room felt cramped and the bathroom was tiny with a bad quality door which wouldn’t even close, little water pressure and poor housekeeping so that hair from the previous guest had been left on the floor. Though it seems that the property had been built very recently, there were already some large humidity spots on the walls. Heating didn’t work properly and it was quite cold at night. Furthermore, a disturbing noisy pump operated all night long close to the room and troubled my sleep. The reception hall was unclean, so were the stairs and hallways.||||Breakfast was symbolic: peanuts, cucumbers, grated potatoes and Chinese bread, all served in tiny quantities. Tea was not even offered. When my guide complained, the hotel replied it was doing excellent business, so they didn’t need to make any effort! ||||Many other hotels are currently being built in Bayinbulak, so let competition do its job!
我在巴音布鲁克新建成的过道里住了一晚,这是一家位于巴音布鲁克主要街道上的三星级酒店。我的标准间感觉很拥挤,浴室很小,门质量很差,甚至关不上,水压很小,家政服务很差,前一位客人的头发都留在地板上。虽然这处房产看起来是新近建成的,但墙壁上已经出现了一些大的潮湿斑点。暖气不太好,晚上很冷。此外,房间附近有一个令人不安的噪音泵整夜运转,影响了我的睡眠。接待大厅不干净,楼梯和走廊也不干净。||||早餐是象征性的:花生、黄瓜、土豆泥和中式面包,数量很少。甚至没有提供茶。当我的导游抱怨时,酒店回答说生意很好,所以他们不需要做任何努力! ||||巴音布鲁克目前正在建设许多其他酒店,所以让竞争发挥作用吧!
11 年前
French G
★This hotel is a failure. The Bayin Hotel is supposed to be a 3-star hotel. Nevertheless, it hardly reaches 2 stars even by Chinese standards. We were a group of five people in three rooms among which only one had a properly closing bathroom door… which is a shame considering that the toilets are inside the bathroom. ||At night, from 11 pm, a pump started to make a loud repetitive noise which would have prevented us from sleeping without ear plugs. The central heating system stopped in the middle of the night so that we woke up in a pretty cold room (in August temperature at night is around 5°C). The shower had very little water pressure and as the used water exhaust grid was at the opposite side of the shower, the bathroom floor got quickly flooded. Not to mention cleaning issues: hair on the bathroom floor, stains on the sheets, you get the picture…||Finally, don’t expect anything from the breakfast that won’t even feed an anorexic person : three small plates of badly cooked potatoes, cucumber and peanuts (maybe the worst I ever had) with a rice soup (meaning rice with its own cooking water).||Our guide called that place a ripe-off place with accuracy. If you want to make a stop to enjoy the fantastic scenery of Bayanbulak and its serpentine river, for your own sake, try another hotel!
这家酒店是失败的。巴音宾馆应该是一家三星级酒店。尽管如此,即使按照中国的标准,它也很难达到2星。我们一行五人,住在三个房间,其中只有一个房间的浴室门能正确关闭……考虑到厕所在浴室内,这真是太遗憾了。 ||晚上,从晚上 11 点开始,水泵开始发出很大的重复噪音,如果不戴耳塞,我们就无法入睡。中央供暖系统在半夜停止了,所以我们在一个非常寒冷的房间里醒来(8月晚上的温度约为5°C)。淋浴间的水压很小,而且由于用过的排水管位于淋浴间的另一侧,浴室地板很快就被淹了。更不用说清洁问题了:浴室地板上有头发,床单上有污渍,你懂的……||最后,不要指望早餐中有任何东西甚至不能养活一个厌食症患者:三小盘煮得不好的食物土豆、黄瓜和花生(也许是我吃过的最糟糕的)和米汤(意思是米饭有自己的煮水)。||我们的导游准确地称那个地方是一个成熟的地方。如果您想停下来欣赏巴音布鲁克及其蜿蜒河流的美妙景色,那么为了您自己的利益,请尝试另一家酒店!
11 年前
Mylissa P
10 年前
15 年前
★库尔勒巴音酒店其实是一家黑店,我们在出行前准备预订房间,被告知不能预订,在电话中询问价格被告知是标间220,我们到了巴音酒店时,因为之前没有预订上房间,就去它隔壁的西部情酒店询问了一下,由于价位较高,我们到了巴音酒店,当时柜台服务员说标间是260,我们讲价至220,入住后我们下楼去吃饭,被老板叫住了,叫我们加价60,说是发现我们先前去了他们隔壁西部情酒店问价,我们不同意加价,要求退房并说他们坐地起价 不守诚信,老板恼羞成怒,冲了过来准备揍我们,后来在旁人的劝说下才息事宁人。
10 年前
13 年前
3 个月前
3 个月前