★★★★excellent customer service. spacious room. fantastic location near Guangxi university and with a subway stop taking to directly yo the train stations on it's door step. very handy to have late check out too.
7 个月前
1 年前
Teresa A
★★★★★We stayed here two nights for business and I loved it! For the price, it is already one of my favorite hotels in China.||Big, clean and well decorated rooms, with a small balcony where you can chill if weather allows. Comfy bed. Spacious bathroom with a small round bathtub.||I slept perfectly as the room was very quiet.||Breakfast buffet offered a wide selection of foods and was tasty.||The staff was helpful and can speak English.|
7 年前
★★★★★I had a wonderful experience at The Landmark Hotel, bed were soft, rooms were clean, service was great. I loved how there was an IMAX movie theatre as well as good restaurants, like the Hoyo Restaurant. The hotel is also located near a university. Hotel also had a luxurious yet cozy ambience.
我在地标酒店度过了一段美妙的经历,床很软,房间很干净,服务很棒。我喜欢那里的 IMAX 电影院以及 Hoyo 餐厅等不错的餐厅。酒店还靠近一所大学。酒店还拥有豪华而舒适的氛围。
3 年前
★★That hotel has difficulties providing non-smoking rooms... and the smell in the smooking rooms is awful.. add to that a useless wifi, a shower that's on the edge of falling of the wall, no convenient store around and no English channel, first night was bad. They changed me to a non-smoking room, a bit better. So require rooms on the high floors! However, the reception staff was useless when I checked out and took them 20 min to settle a 2 nights bill. There are better choices in Nanning for that price!
那家酒店很难提供无烟房间……而且吸烟房间里的气味很难闻。此外,无线网络没用,淋浴间位于墙边,周围没有便利店,也没有英语频道,第一晚很糟糕。他们给我换了一间无烟房,好一点了。所以需要高楼层的房间!然而,当我退房时,接待人员毫无用处,花了 20 分钟才结清 2 晚的账单。这个价格在南宁还有更好的选择!
7 年前
matti e
★★★★Conveniently located at the entrance of the, perfect, subway in nanning. 5 star hotel, good rooms and bathroom, clean, good matrasses and a truly fantastic breakfast. Not only chinese style also western style. Enormous choices. The chinese restaurant serves good food, almost none of the restaurant staff spoke english they were so helpfull with their translate apps that everything worked out very well. The atmosphere in the restaurant is not cozy, it is hughe with big monitors!
5 年前
Prendergast J
★★★★★There is more to this hotel than a comfortable room and bed. This hotel is loaded with amenities: an iMax movie theatre, four good restaurants, an English speaking front desk staff, and more.||||My Chinese is not good enough to do a lot of things. The concierge, Huang Miao Fang, speaks very good English and was able to answer all kinds of questions. Petch Chen, guest relations, always present and available in the lobby, was there to help as well. Neil Nong did not speak English with me, but it was no problem for this resourceful young man. He can communicate very effectively. I do not usually comment on housekeepers, but Nong Hui Ming did an excellent of job cleaning up after me. I am a slob. I really am. No problem of her.||||The restaurants are all good. The buffet breakfast is so big my pedometer logged a quarter mile (400 meters) just walking through to find everything I wanted. They have a good western selection, and Chinese of course. Then you have Wendy’s Coffee and Bakery on the ground floor, well-known as one of Nanning’s best coffee shops. There is a Hong Kong restaurant in the second floor with one of the best chicken soups I ever tasted. If you have any question, Linkin, the manager can answer in excellent English.||||There is a spa with an excellent tuina massage. A little pricy, but by the end you’ll have to admit that you really did get you money’s worth. ||||I thought that the whole experience at this hotel was a good value. ||||||(The hotel is situated right on Metro Line One, Luban Lu station, exit D.)
这家酒店提供的不仅仅是舒适的房间和床。这家酒店设施齐全:一家 iMax 电影院、四家不错的餐厅、会说英语的前台工作人员等等。||||我的中文不够好,无法做很多事情。礼宾员黄妙芳英语说得很好,能够回答各种问题。宾客关系 Petch Chen 始终在大堂,随时为您提供帮助。 Neil Nong 不会和我说英语,但这对于这个足智多谋的年轻人来说没有问题。他可以非常有效地沟通。我通常不会评论管家,但农惠明在我身后的清理工作做得非常出色。我是个懒鬼。我确实是。她没问题。||||餐厅都很好。自助早餐非常丰盛,我的计步器记录了四分之一英里(400 米),只是步行过去才找到我想要的一切。他们有很好的西餐选择,当然还有中餐。底楼还有温迪咖啡面包店,被誉为南宁最好的咖啡店之一。二楼有一家香港餐厅,里面有我吃过的最好吃的鸡汤之一。 如果您有任何问题,Linkin,经理可以用流利的英语回答。||||有一个水疗中心,推拿按摩很棒。有点贵,但到最后你必须承认你确实物有所值。 ||||我认为在这家酒店的整个体验都很有价值。 ||||||(酒店位于地铁一号线鲁班路站D出口)
6 年前
1 年前
外观时尚的休闲商务酒店,位于地铁站对面。距离邕江 4 公里,距离广西大学 13 分钟步行路程,距离南宁吴圩国际机场 31 公里。,客房和套房温馨怡人,配有纯平电视和阳台,可欣赏大学景色、江景和城市风光。,公共空间拥有色彩缤纷的布艺装饰、豪华家具以及装饰吊灯。自助式餐厅供应牛排、龙虾等西式菜肴和粤式早茶。还有面包店和酒吧。其他配套设施包括剧院、水疗会所、会议室、活动场地、商务中心和机场班车。