


免费 Wi-Fi,早餐,免费停车,有空调,洗衣服务,商务中心,餐馆,机场接送

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Telephone +86 998 280 1111

Address 中国新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区喀什市人民东路8号 邮政编码: 844000

Nation CN

Province 新疆维吾尔自治区

City 喀什地区

County 喀什市

Street 人民东路8号

Zip code 844000

Plus FX8R+VF 喀什市 中国新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区

Longitude 75.99118399999999 Latitude 39.467188



14 review


Gunasegeran Sellappan


A standard Chinese 4 to 5 star hotel opposite Kashi Old Town. Vehicles cannot enter the old town and it is a good idea to stay here


2 周前


Trip.com Member


I really enjoyed my stay in this hotel. Especially the view I had from my room … overlooking the peoples square and the statue of the great leader and founding father Chairman Mao.The hotel is located very near to all the Kashgar attractions like the old town of Kashgar. Also there are many shops, restaurants and tour operators in walking distance… the staff is very friendly and happy to assist with a warm welcoming smile… I was told that it is a well known Hotel making it easy to find your way back… 😉 what to say I liked it so much that I even went back after my travels through the region.. wanting the same room I stayed in …obviously the room was already taken but the staff understood I loved the view from my room… and gave me a room on top of the room I occupied before… a nice welcome 🙏….


2 年前


Trip.com Member


Got back to Kashgar after traveling around in the region …I really enjoyed it! And always nice if a familiar hotel and staff are there ready to help you settle comfortably… I stayed in this hotel before. Friendly helpful staff! And a great location right next to the peoples square with a statue of chairman Mao overlooking looking the peoples square and park.. A short and pleasant walking distance to the old town and other attractions.. easy to get taxis and public transport. A big warm hug 🤗 to all the staff for their help and friendliness… big smiles and happy faces… and costumer care!


2 年前


Trip.com Member


Fantastic location just few minutes away from old town. Very helpful reception have us a nice map of Kashgar using which we could easily find all the interesting spots.Parking was a little confusing, as the security didnt let us in from main road and we had to make a large loop around the block to enter from the side street. Parking is however free of charge and once you find entrance you can park directly in front of the hotel actually - very convenient. There are few small stores at the GF, including one with some %% , which is also very convenient as those are not so easy to find.

地理位置优越,距离老城区仅几分钟路程。接待处非常乐于助人,为我们提供了一张漂亮的喀什地图,使用它我们可以轻松找到所有有趣的景点。停车有点混乱,因为保安不让我们从主干道进入,我们必须绕着街区绕一大圈才能进入从小巷。不过停车是免费的,一旦你找到入口,你就可以直接把车停在酒店前面——非常方便。 GF里有几家小店,其中有一家是%%的,也很方便,因为不太好找。

2 年前


Rosie W


We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in this lovely hotel, we enjoyed the benefit of being accommodated in a suite so plenty of space and facilities to relax before our long haul flight home.|Our rooms and bathroom were very clean. The bed large and comfy, plenty of towels and a robe plus all the other usual amenities. We did have an issue with the television, a simple call to reception and it was all sorted asap.|The location is excellent for walking about this interesting city, you don't have to go far to see and experience some wonderful sites and amazing local restaurants.|I have no hesitation in recommending this hotel

我们非常享受在这家可爱酒店的住宿,我们很享受住在套房的好处,有足够的空间和设施,可以在长途飞行回家之前放松身心。|我们的房间和浴室非常干净。 床又大又舒适,有充足的毛巾和长袍以及所有其他常用设施。我们确实遇到了电视问题,打了个简单的电话给接待处,一切都尽快解决了。|位置非常适合在这座有趣的城市散步,您不必走很远就能看到和体验一些精彩的景点和令人惊叹的景点当地餐馆。|我会毫不犹豫地推荐这家酒店

5 年前


Joel H


Good sized room with nice furnishings, typical hard bed. Good refrigerator, no safe. Large flat screen TV with several English channels.||||The room had a malodor, it smelt like an elephant barn. The air conditioning did not work, at least the windows opened wide.||||The bathroom had no hot water at night, the shower is in the bath tub,. The bathroom counter top was broken and there was a big crack in the mirror.||||The 8th floor hall was so dark in the morning coming back from breakfast, that it was not possible to read the room numbers on the doors.||||Breakfast was adequate, the service was very disjointed. ||||The hotel is in a good location with lots of shops, restaurants and parks in the area, but the City is in a police state, police are every where, with police sirens going all day long.

房间大小合适,家具漂亮,床是典型的硬床。冰箱不错,就是没有保险箱。大屏幕平板电视有几个英语频道。||||房间有一股恶臭,闻起来像大象谷仓。空调不好用,至少窗户开得很大。||||浴室晚上没有热水,淋浴是在浴缸里的,。浴室台面坏了,镜子有一个很大的裂缝。||||早上吃完早餐回来,八楼大厅很黑,看不清门上的房间号。| |||早餐很丰盛,服务很杂乱。 ||||酒店地理位置优越,该地区有很多商店、餐馆和公园,但这座城市处于警察状态,警察无处不在,警笛整天鸣响。

6 年前


Sew N


Just checked in. The room is in a shocking state. Dusty filthy stained carpet. Debris and food cramps left from last stays. Dust in every corner. Asked the room attendant to Hoover. Bless her, she tried but the "Hoover" is completely knackered. She has to use the Hoover tube to try and hoover as none of the other attachment works. I tried to twist it to the correct angle and realized it was held together with a masking tape! She couldn't use it as it wasn't picking up anything. To the manager of this hotel, INVEST IN A NEW HOOVER for your room attendant. Equip them with the tools to do their job. ||I have just sterilized the cups with boiling water just to be safe! And I am not touching the remote control. ||The only saving grace are the beds. At least they are clean with fresh bed sheets. The pillows are too.

刚入住。房间里的状况令人震惊。满是灰尘、污迹斑斑的地毯。上次住宿留下的碎片和食物痉挛。每个角落都有灰尘。客房服务员向胡佛问道。祝福她,她尝试过,但“胡佛”完全疲惫不堪。她必须使用吸尘管来尝试吸尘,因为其他附件都不起作用。我试图将它扭转到正确的角度,发现它是用胶带粘在一起的!她无法使用它,因为它无法拾取任何东西。对于这家酒店的经理,请为您的客房服务员投资一台新的胡佛。为他们配备完成工作的工具。 ||为了安全起见,我刚刚用沸水对杯子进行了消毒!而且我没有碰遥控器。 ||唯一的可取之处是床。至少它们很干净,床单也很干净。枕头也是。

7 年前


Ian M


I was surprised to read others' negative comments as I found the hotel bright, clean and with very clean bedrooms. I also thought breakfast was very varied (though I'd agree that it didn't cater to Western tastes) and could get very packed||||However, the central location is a great advantage. As far as I can see, nobody else has highlighted the nearby bight market.||||While it's very much a local market-not souvenirs, it is very atmospheric with smells, sounds and bright lights, and a great way to see local life. ||||I got directions from one of the staff and it was easy to find-you did have to go on an underpass, but there were lots of shops open within it so not in the slightest intimidating.||||I'd also like to mention the supermarket-again underpass to middle of road, then to far side. there. Turn right and pass a few temples and row of small shops and there is an excellent department store with basement supermarket-fascinating just to look. Their cafe has some lovely refreshing fruit juices and teas. No Englsih spoken, but the various items on offer are shown on a large display board-very reasonably priced too

我很惊讶地看到其他人的负面评论,因为我发现酒店明亮、干净,卧室也非常干净。我还认为早餐种类繁多(尽管我同意它不符合西方口味)并且可能会很拥挤||||但是,中心位置是一个很大的优势。据我所知,没有其他人重点关注附近的海湾市场。||||虽然它很大程度上是一个当地市场,而不是纪念品,但它非常有气氛,有气味、声音和明亮的灯光,是了解当地情况的好方法生活。 ||||我从一名工作人员那里得到了指示,很容易找到——你确实必须走地下通道,但里面有很多商店营业,所以一点也不吓人。||||我'我还想提一下超市——再次通过地下通道到路中间,然后到另一边。那里。右转,经过几座寺庙和一排小商店,有一家很棒的百货商店,地下有超市,光是看看就很吸引人。他们的咖啡馆有一些可爱的清爽果汁和茶。不会说英语,但提供的各种商品都显示在一个大展示板上 - 价格也非常合理

7 年前

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