Amy B
13 年前
10 年前
13 年前
Sue F
★★The hotel itself was OK, however the service leaves more than a lot to be desired. Upon arriving, we asked for some suggestions of where to go to see some Urumqi sights. Two parks were recommended. When I asked about the mosques, they could only direct me to one. I had to ask where the Grand Bazaar was - that wasn't offered as a sightseeing option.||||We checked out early at 6:30 a.m. We had asked the previous night about getting a car to the airport and were told we could call for a taxi in the morning. Upon check out, we discovered two attendants FAST asleep, whom we had to rouse. While I understand that the night shift is boring and nodding off is common, I do expect that when a customer shows up, you need to hop to it and look alive. It seemed as if these two had been drugged and were in a stupor. They looked at us as if we were a major nuisance, then put their heads back down. We had to cajole them to check us out, open our safe deposit box, call a cab and return the RMB 1,500 deposit to my credit card. It took three requests before they actually did make a call to the taxi. While we were waiting for a car, however, they were unable to process my deposit return. A major reason was that they refused to turn on any lights (the lobby was near pitch black) and they could not read the information to input. Check out took almost 40 minutes. We arrived at the airport with only 1 minute to spare, stressed out that we might miss our flight altogether.||||Additionally, we had checked out the massage facility thinking it would be a relaxing end to our day. The odour eminating from the spa was a mixture of rotten food, fish and dirty feet. Disgusting! My friend and I couldn't imagine spending 50 minutes in that stench, so we took a pass. The "Muslim" restaurant offers nothing resembling Chinese Muslim food.||||My advice, go somewhere else.
酒店本身还不错,但服务还有很多不足之处。 到达后,我们询问了一些关于去哪里参观乌鲁木齐景点的建议。 推荐了两个公园。 当我询问有关清真寺的情况时,他们只能带我去一处。 我不得不问大巴扎在哪里 - 那不是作为观光选择提供的。||||我们早上 6:30 就提前退房了。前一天晚上我们询问过如何开车去机场,结果被告知我们早上可以叫出租车。 退房时,我们发现两名服务员睡得很熟,我们不得不叫醒他们。 虽然我知道夜班很无聊,打瞌睡很常见,但我确实希望当顾客出现时,你需要跳上去并看起来充满活力。 两人仿佛被下了药,陷入了昏迷状态。 他们看着我们,好像我们是一个大麻烦,然后又低下了头。 我们只好哄着他们帮我们办理退房,打开保险箱,叫出租车,然后把1500元押金退到我的信用卡上。 他们提出了三个要求后才真正打电话叫出租车。 然而,当我们在等车时,他们无法处理我的押金返还。 一个主要原因是他们拒绝打开任何灯(大厅几乎漆黑一片)并且他们无法读取输入的信息。 退房花了将近40分钟。 我们到达机场时只剩下 1 分钟的时间,担心我们可能会完全错过航班。||||此外,我们还检查了按摩设施,认为这将是我们这一天的轻松结束。 水疗中心散发出的气味是腐烂的食物、鱼和脏脚的混合物。 恶心! 我和我的朋友无法想象要在这种恶臭中度过 50 分钟,所以我们就放弃了。 “穆斯林”餐厅提供的食物与中国穆斯林食品完全不一样。||||我的建议是,去别的地方吧。
11 年前
15 年前
Amy q
13 年前
14 年前
David H
★★From the moment we drew up at the hotel and struggled with our luggage across the dirty and tatty carpet in the lobby before the large entrance, without any of the staff attempting in any way to help us, we knew that the hotel was not going to be great. The hotel refers to itself as an international one, but there is no other indication of this in any part of the hotel. None of the staff speak English, none of the hotel information was in English and the breakfast menu was almost entirely Chinese, bar some yoghurt and a selection of two types of cereals. The coffee machines were only labelled in chinese, which led to a number of false starts getting a cup of coffee. When, having tried 5 out of the possible 6 options and had everything from hot chocolate to plain hot water, we did finally it the right button, the coffee was not too bad to be positive about one thing!||||Our room, at the rear of the building, was a reasonable size, but was tired, with peeling and mouldy ceiling in the bathroom and scruffy carpet. Our daughters had a twin to the front of the building which was much smaller, and stank of smoke, although was supposed to be a non smoking room. The occupants of the next door room were having a party, and noise and cigarette smoke everywhere was appalling. On both nights prostitutes prowled the corridors banging on doors for custom.||||I am sure there are better options in Urumqi. Five star this was not.
从我们在酒店停下来的那一刻起,我们费力地拖着行李穿过大堂大门前又脏又破的地毯,没有任何工作人员试图以任何方式帮助我们,我们就知道酒店不会棒极了。该酒店自称是一家国际酒店,但酒店的任何地方都没有其他迹象表明这一点。没有一个工作人员会说英语,所有酒店信息都不是英文的,早餐菜单几乎全是中文,只有一些酸奶和两种谷物麦片。咖啡机上只有中文标签,这导致了很多人错误地开始喝咖啡。当我们尝试了 6 种可能的选择中的 5 种,并喝了从热巧克力到普通热水的一切后,我们终于做出了正确的选择,咖啡还不错,不能对一件事抱有积极的态度!||||我们的房间,位于建筑物后面,大小合理,但很旧,浴室天花板剥落发霉,地毯也破旧。我们的女儿们在大楼前面住了一间双床房,房间小得多,而且散发着烟味,尽管本来应该是无烟房。 隔壁房间的住户正在开派对,噪音和到处都是香烟烟雾,令人震惊。两个晚上都有妓女在走廊里徘徊,敲门求习俗。||||我相信乌鲁木齐有更好的选择。这不是五星级。
10 年前