7 个月前
Rory M
★★★This hotel, although clean, has seen better days and is overdue for renovations.|The hotel is over heated so if you prefer cooler sleeping, request a window opening room rather than the Red Hill view rooms.|There are no Western options for breakfast, the coffee is dreadful and the watery fruit juice drink is no substitute.|However, breakfast hours are 0630 to 1100 which can be handy.|No English is spoken in the hotel.
5 个月前 Member
★★★★在超乾燥的新疆,房間有加濕器很棒,若床頭櫃有充電插頭就更棒了。另廁所的房門由於是木門滑軌設計,可能老化了 推滑不是很順,晚上睡覺時可能會影響到室友的睡眠
10 个月前 Member
★★★★早餐的餐點🥘營養豐富豆漿濃度夠小米漿好吃八寶粥剛剛好有精緻沙拉🥗牛奶醇濃青菜🥬炒得好吃各式菜色不錯包子好吃水果梨子甘甜有汁蘋果紅滋好脆甜環境優雅衞生桌椅品質很好是我旅遊20天中最好的早餐可以遇見漂亮空姐帥氣的機師🧑✈️們一起共度早餐重要的是…. 價格便宜我們只花350元人民幣可以住明珠大飯店!下次有機會再去….!
10 个月前 Member
10 个月前 Member
10 个月前 Member
★★★★Staff was excellent. Gave us very good advise on locations of interest and how to get about to attractions we wanted to go. Really helpful making our stay very successful.
工作人员非常优秀。 为我们提供了关于景点以及如何前往我们想去的景点的很好的建议。 真的很有帮助,让我们的住宿非常成功。
7 个月前
Linda S
★★★★I had a reservation at a different hotel that rudely turned me away upon arrival. Only a few hotels in Urumqi accept foreigners, so I had to book into the five-star China Southern Airlines hotel -- where the staff did not speak much English. It's comfortable, if dated. There were all the expected hotel amenities (not only toothbrushes and shampoo but also condoms, which seems to be typical of Chinese hotels). There was even a personal computer, but I had my own laptop and can't say whether it worked or not. Unlike a more modern hotel, there were too few electric outlets and no USB ports. Good, free WiFi (but beware the Chinese firewall). At $75 US/night, this was by far the most pricey hotel I stayed at in Central Asia, but I really had no choice.
我在另一家酒店预订了房间,但抵达后却粗鲁地拒绝了我。乌鲁木齐只有少数酒店接待外国人,所以我不得不预订南航五星级酒店——那里的工作人员不太会说英语。如果过时的话,很舒服。这里有所有预期的酒店设施(不仅有牙刷和洗发水,还有避孕套,这似乎是中国酒店的典型特征)。甚至还有一台个人电脑,但我有自己的笔记本电脑,不能说它是否有效。与更现代的酒店不同,这里的电源插座太少,而且没有 USB 端口。很好,免费的无线网络(但要小心中国的防火墙)。 75 美元/晚,这是迄今为止我在中亚住过的最贵的酒店,但我真的别无选择。
5 年前